Enable and test Retail Server sample code (Step # 6)

 Step # 6

Enable and test Retail Server sample code:

    - Open the project at RetailSdk\SampleExtensions\RetailServer\Extensions.StoreHoursSample\RetailServer.Extensions.StoreHoursSample.csproj and compile it.

    - Use inetmgr to find the location of the local Retail Server folder.

    - Register the new Retail Server assembly in web.config file under <extensionComposition> (Note: If there is an assembly registered from a previous sample, then remove it.): 

        <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.RetailServer.StoreHoursSample" />

    - Register the new Retail Server assembly in RetailSdk\BuildTools\customization.settings:

        <ISV_RetailServer_CustomizableFile Include="$(SdkReferencesPath)\Contoso.RetailServer.StoreHoursSample.dll" />

    - Copy the changes you made to RetailSdk\Assets\commerceruntime.ext.config to the local Retail Server's commerceruntime.ext.config in its bin\ext folder.

          <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.StoreHoursSample" />

    - Drop both the new CRT and Retail Server assemblies into the local Retail Server bin\ext\ folder. Alternatively, use the Retail SDK's AfterBuildDropBinariesToRetailServer target for rapid development (Note: If you use the AfterBuildDropBinariesToRetailServer target, then you have to rebuild the 2 assemblies at least once in order to binplace them automatically).

    - Use inetmgr to browse to the Retail Server's $metadata and verify that the StoreHours entity is exposed (i.e. open https://usnconeboxax1ret.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com/Commerce/$metadata and search for "StoreHours" in the XML).

Step 1. 

 - Open the project at 
RetailSdk\SampleExtensions\RetailServer\Extensions.StoreHoursSample\RetailServer.Extensions.StoreHoursSample.csproj and compile it.

Step 2.
- Use inetmgr to find the location of the local Retail Server folder.

Search IIS in PC Go to Sites > RetailServer > Explore

Step 3.

 - Register the new Retail Server assembly in web.config file under <extensionComposition> (Note: If there is an assembly registered from a previous sample, then remove it.): 

        <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.RetailServer.StoreHoursSample" />

Step 4.
 - Register the new Retail Server assembly in RetailSdk\BuildTools\customization.settings:
        <ISV_RetailServer_CustomizableFile Include="$(SdkReferencesPath)\Contoso.RetailServer.StoreHoursSample.dll" />

Step 5.
 - Copy the changes you made to RetailSdk\Assets\commerceruntime.ext.config to the local Retail Server's commerceruntime.ext.config in its bin\ext folder.
          <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.StoreHoursSample" />

Step 6.
- Drop both the new CRT and Retail Server assemblies into the local Retail Server bin\ext\ folder. Alternatively, use the Retail SDK's AfterBuildDropBinariesToRetailServer target for rapid development (Note: If you use the AfterBuildDropBinariesToRetailServer target, then you have to rebuild the 2 assemblies at least once in order to bin place them automatically).

    You have to go to the Project root folder copy CRT and Retail Server DLLs and paste them into the Retail server.
Steps 1.
    Right-click on the project and go to the Open folder in File Explorer.

Path: K:\RetailSDK\SampleExtensions\RetailServer\Extensions.StoreHoursSample\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0

copy Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.StoreHoursSample.dll and Contoso.RetailServer.StoreHoursSample
and drop both in Retail server.
Path: K:\RetailServer\WebRoot\bin\Ext

Step 7.
    - Use inetmgr to browse to the Retail Server's $metadata and verify that the StoreHours entity is exposed (i.e. open https://usnconeboxax1ret.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com/Commerce/$metadata and search for "Store hours" in the XML).

url: https://demo-envd4a8206ce8b671d0ret.axcloud.dynamics.com/Commerce/$metadata


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