
Showing posts from November, 2022

Create a POS extension package project

   POS extension This article describes how to create a point of sale (POS) extension pack project. The POS Extension Pack project is a set of extensions that enable custom end-to-end POS scenarios using Microsoft Visual Studio. The POS extension pack project applies to Modern POS (MPOS) and Cloud POS (CPOS) extension scenarios. 1. In Visual Studio, create a new .NET Standard class library project that uses .NET Standard 2.0, and name it POS.Extensions. 2. Delete the class file that is created together with the project. 3.Create a shared properties file (XML file) that all projects in the customization package will use. This shared file can be used for different Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce extensions, such as Commerce runtime (CRT), Retail Server, and Hardware Service extensions. Name the file. For this example, the file is named CustomizationPackage.props. 4. Add the file to the same directory as the solution file that you created. 5. Add the following property ...

How to Install D365FO MPOS / CPOS certificate.

  MPOS/CPOS CERTIFICATE How to get AMER certificate Search Manage computer certificates in windows. Go to Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificate Export AMER certificate. Install certificate in Respective Machine. Also check the Certificate Validation Date.

Knockout.js is not Loaded in D365FO MPOS/CPOS Extension Project Successfully / How to import Knockout.js in POS Extension.

  Knockout.Js How to Import Knockout.JS in POS Project. If the Knockout.js is not loaded automatically ApplicationStartTrigger & BirthdayFieldsSection packageform AMER POS is not loaded successfully in POS Solution: Reference: Refrence: Go to POS Project Right Click and unload it. See the project Source Add KnockoutjsFile in PropertyGroup Element < PropertyGroup >     < TargetFramework > netstandard2.0 </ TargetFramework >        < KnockoutjsFile > Libraries/knockout.js </ KnockoutjsFile >   </ PropertyGroup >     Also add Target Element < Target Name = " ContentIncludeKnockoutLibrary " BeforeTargets = " AssignTargetPaths " DependsOnTargets = " RunResol...

D365FO MPOS/CPOS Code Merging.

  MPOS/CPOS Extensions CODE Merging Go to ChannelDatabase Project and copy all Script related to Customization. Paste in CommerceScaleUnit Project file Path: K:\D365CSU-release-9.38\src\ScaleUnitSample\ChannelDatabase. Go to CommerceRuntime Project and copy Controllers, Services, Triggers etc. Paste in CommerceScaleUnit Project file Path: K:\D365CSU-release-9.38\src\ScaleUnitSample\ CommerceRuntime Go to POS Project and copy Triggers, viewExtensions etc. Paste in the POS Project file Path: K:\D365CSU-release-9.38\src\ScaleUnitSample\ POS   Build Your Solution. This step will create a Package. Path: K:\D365CSU-release-9.38\src\ScaleUnitSample\ScaleUnit\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0 Go to RetailCloudPOS Extension copy and paste in RetailCloudPOS folder. Source: Destination: Update Project dll / Drop dll in RetailServer. Path: K:\D365CSU-release-9.38\src\ScaleUnitSample\ScaleUnit\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\CloudScaleUnitExtensionPackage\RetailServer\Code\bin\ext Source...